Salim Ali National Wildlife Fellowship-2011
Salim Ali National Wildlife Fellowship-2011
The Govt. of India, Ministry of Environment and Forests has decided to award the fellowship alternatively each year. Dr. Salim Ali National Wildlife Fellowship Award, 2011 for, Research/experimental project on avian wildlife is due for award.
The fellowship will be awarded normally for a period of two years at the rate of Rs.
4000/-per month. In addition, an amount of Rs.18,000/- per annum will be paid for meeting the contingent expenditure. Only Indian citizens engaged in wildlife management/research are eligible. Preference would be given to the officials of the State/UT Forest and Wildlife Department.
The nominations forwarded by the following authorities will be considered:
1. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests/CCF (WL)/Chief Wildlife Warden of all States/Union Territories.
2. Presidents of approved scientific societies.
3. Vice Chancellors of Universities.
4. Heads and Deans of Faculties of institutions like the Wildlife Institute of India,
Dehradun, Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History, Coimbatore, etc.
5. Director General of ICAR/CSIR/ICFRE.
6. Secretaries of various State Governments dealing with science, agriculture,
environment and Forestry.
7. The nominations complete in all respects should be sent in the prescribed proforma
(enclosed) by registered post along with ten copies each of bio-data and proposed
research project (500 words) and one set of reprints or other documentary evidence
of achievements. These documents may be sent in a sealed cover marked
“Confidential” and addressed Scientist ‘C’/Deputy Director (Wildlife), Ministry of
Environment and Forests, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New
Delhi-110003. The name of the fellowship “Dr. Salim Ali National Wildlife
fellowship Award 2011” should be mentioned broadly on the face of the envelope.
The nominations will be accepted in the Ministry within 45 days from the date of
publication of the advertisement.
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